Flu Clinics
Posted on September 10th, 2020
We are now taking booking for your annual flu vaccination. It is strongly advised that you book in ASAP to have this vaccination.
PLEASE do not attend the surgery to book. For further information and to find out if you are eligible for free flu jab, please telephone us on 0151 608 4702.
Due to the strict health and safety measures currently in place, we need to run our clinics differently to ensure we can keep our patients and staff safe at this time. Please read the below carefully before coming in for one of your flu clinics:
- Please do not come to clinic if you have symptoms suggestive of Covid-19 such as a new continuous cough, fever or loss of taste or smell or if you have come into contact with someone with coronavirus or coronavirus symptoms.
- You will be booked into a specific timed appointment and it is essential you arrive on time for that appointment. If you do not arrive for the time you book, you may be asked to re-book another time.
- Please join the queue at your appointment time. This is so that we can ensure we do not have big groups of patients congregating outside the surgery and can maintain social distance safely.
- You will be asked to queue outside at 2 metre
- You must wear a face covering for your appointment.
- Please come alone to your appointment if possible to reduce the number of people at the practice (unless needed assistance in walking.
- Please ensure you are able to remove your coat/outer clothing easily to be given the injection in your upper arm.
- Please make sure you bring a brolly with you if it rain on the day of appointment.
- Please note:
- No other service will be available such as repeat medication or making appointments etc. Help us to keep everyone safe.
Thanks for your cooperation